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Clickable email signature

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There are many options for marketing your business, and having a clickable email signature is one. In addition, it can be a gateway to additional content such as your website, white papers, social media pages, and banner for an event.

In this first video, you can see how to add a hyperlink to phone and email address fields. This change to the email signature will make it clickable and receive interaction from the recipient – leads and customers.

In the second video, you can watch how to add a link in the email signature logo to redirect to the website. In the second part, you can also see how to add a link to social media pages. This will make it easier to access additional information about your company.

The third basic video shows you how to add a banner image to your email signature with CTA. This will make it easier for customers to access additional information (events, products, and releases) anywhere else they open your email sends.

Updated on 19 de February de 2024
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