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  4. How do I update my billing settings?

How do I update my billing settings?

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This guide explains how to update your billing settings in Bybrand, including address, business name, additional email recipients for receiving invoices.

Where can I find these settings?

Navigate to the menu, Account, and then Billing & Usage. Then click on the Payment information option and find the Billing Information section – similar to this image.

The Billing preferences page is only accessible to users with the primary role – Owner. Staff users will receive an error when attempting to access the option.

  • The Billing address button contains billing address preferences.
  • The Bill for company button contains company information such as Tax ID and additional emails to receive invoices.


Bill for company example.

Business Tax ID

Tax IDs can be added or edited under the Bill for company button. This is how your business provides Bybrand with your information for tax and billing purposes.

Invoice receipt email

You can add additional emails separated by commas. Please note that it is not necessary to add your account’s primary email address, as it already receives invoice notifications by default.

Updated on 22 de August de 2024
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