How to create and manage email signatures for many employees

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Creating a great email signature can do a lot for growing your brand and improving the communications. This is something that any large organization should focus on. However, the reality of implementing email signatures across a company can be a real challenge.

First, you have to create consistent signatures for every employee. These need to stick to the same brand guidelines and signature template. Then, you need to use email signature software to implement and manage the signature across the board.

Standard company email signature:

Standard company email signature.

If you leave it up to employees to do this individually, you could run into all kinds of issues.

Let’s explore the best way to apply signature templates across your entire company, and how you can manage employee email signatures with ease.

The importance of branded email signatures for employees

Using branded employee email signatures has many benefits for both employees and companies.

Here are some of the main reasons why, with real email signature examples.

Brand recognition

When your employees use a branded email signature, it helps people recognize your company.

Example with company logo:

Example with company logo.

And when you’ve got branded company email signatures going out, it acts as a mini ad for your brand every time they send an email. This helps to make your company and brand more memorable and recognizable.


A branded email signature gives a professional touch to every email your employees send.

Email signature example with employee photo:

Email signature example with employee photo.

It shows that your company cares about details and puts effort into its communication. Using a consistent professional email signature across your company can go a long way in establishing trust and authority around the business.


With everyone using the same branded email signature, your company will offer a unified image to the world. Consistency also helps to build trust and make your brand more memorable.

Wide company email signature:

Wide company email signature:

Email signature marketing

A professional email signature is so much more than just a chance to promote your brand. It’s also a valuable marketing channel.

Example with a CTA buttons and links:

Example with a CTA buttons and links.

You can include links to your website, clickable social media icons, or promotions in your business email signature. This is an easy way to turn every email into a marketing opportunity.

Plus: Watch the video on how to insert CTA buttons in your email signature.

Common problems with adding a signature manually (or leaving the task to the employee)

Email signature are highly valuable, but they can also cause some clear issues if not implemented properly. Using the right email signature generator that offers consistency across your brand. So much more effective than leaving employees to add their signatures manually.

Here are some common problems that this could cause.

Forgetting to add the signature

Sometimes, in a rush, employees might forget to paste their personal email signature, leaving emails looking incomplete or unprofessional. This also means communications from your organization will be inconsistent, as some emails will include a signature and some won’t.

Using the wrong signature

Employees might have multiple signatures saved, and they might accidentally use the wrong one for different emails. This causes inconsistency and confusion and looks unprofessional for your brand.

If employees don’t test the links in their signature, they might not realize if they’re broken or directing people to the wrong place. This could be a disaster for your email signature, as it would look unprofessional and eliminate the promotional possibilities of the HTML signature.

Managing email signatures

To avoid the issues above, it’s helpful to have a standardized process or, even better, automated tools that can ensure the correct signature is added to every email without the risk of human error.

Here are two of the best solutions for email signature management for many employees.

How to create a default email signature from a template

The easiest way to create a professional signature is by using email signature software that includes customizable templates.

Templates gallery examples of Bybrand:

Templates gallery examples of Bybrand:

With this approach, all you need to do is choose a template, or email signature example, that you like and then customize it with your contact details, job title, and branding.

When you use an email signature solution like Bybrand, you can choose from an enormous range of template options, optimized for different industries and use cases. These templates are designed to work with all email clients and on mobile devices.

Once the email signature has been created, you can simply apply and manage it across your entire organization from a centralized platform. This makes it easy for each employee to have their own signature, all managed and consistently made from one place.

How to create an employee signature using own HTML

If you want to go beyond standard email signature editing, then you could also use an email signature tool that allows you to edit the signature in HTML.

You can do this with Bybrand, where you can apply CSS styles inline and incorporate your own full HTML elements, like tables, images, emojis, and custom HTML blocks. This approach gives you a lot more freedom in how you can create your company-wide email signature and what it includes.

Once created, you can use the email signature manager to apply the signature across your company. Just make sure that you update the signature details for each employee.

Managing email signatures for multiple employees

You can use the email signature examples above to create your signature. Once you’ve done this, the next step is implementing and managing the signature across your organization.

Using a tool like Bybrand doesn’t only make it easy to create email signatures. You can also manage these signatures company-wide from a single dashboard. Integrations for automation are also available.

Here are some of the ways you can achieve this with Bybrand.

Using employee list from CSV file

If you need to make multiple email signatures, one of the easiest ways to do it is by using an email signature generator that can automatically fill in information on each signature based on department and employee information.

You can simply provide a CSV file listing employee details and departments, and the email signature generator can update unique signatures based on this.

Using Google Workspace

You can also use Bybrand to seamlessly manage your organization’s email signatures through Google Workspace.

The platform allows you to update email signatures from any user in Gmail through a single click. Simply implement email signatures and manage all Gmail accounts from one platform.

This saves you time while ensuring consistency across your organization.

Using Google Sheets

Just like using a CSV file, you can update your entire organization’s email signature needs with a Google Sheets integration.

This integration connects directly to the Google API, allowing you to turn all of your spreadsheet data into email signatures. It’s one of the fastest ways to create and manage email signatures for a large organization.

From other tools

Bybrand also integrates with other tools, like Zoho CRM and Freshdesk. This means you can easily share information between these platforms, helping you set up and generate email signatures with ease.

Not only does this save loads of time in creating on-brand email signatures for your entire workforce, but all signatures can be implemented and managed through a single dashboard. This ensures signatures stay consistent across the board.


Creating and implementing your entire team’s email signatures through Bybrand is easy. The numerous automation and integrations facilitate a swift process, and employing this approach enables you to ensure consistent and professional email signatures in all messages that are dispatched.

For any brand with a large employee count, this can be an absolute game-changer in your overall brand-building and communication efforts.

Bybrand background

Create your first email signature with Bybrand

Bybrand offers the ability to generate, administer, and distribute essential email signatures for your employees.

Or get more information.