Announcing Bitly IntegrationBernardo Castro14 de July de 2018 Now you can shorten all e-mail signature links with Bitly, and get more control of the clicks that occur
Introducing the new prices of BybrandBernardo Castro7 de July de 2018 Today, we are presenting Bybrand’s new plans to you. But real change must be justified by adding more value to the product.
Announcing Freshdesk integrationBernardo Castro17 de June de 2018 Support managers are looking for ways to standardize team e-mail communication. Bybrand and Freshdesk integration makes this easy.
The forgotten marketing effortBybrand8 de May de 2018 If your goal is to learn how to evaluate new marketing solutions out there, Bybrand Campaigns is off to a good start.
Smart tricks for a better email signatureBybrand28 de December de 2017 It may arise in your mind: what is the way to do the best? The best email signature is the one that stays simple.
Release Bybrand ReportsBernardo Castro13 de December de 2017 After you paste the signature into the email, and send the first message, do you know what happens? Introducing Bybrand Reports, Google Analytics of your email signature.